Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello all! I am in the wonderful world of New York City right now, and I am enjoying every minute. Last night, I went to see Xanadu, which was wonderful, and I couldn't help but notice how small the theatre was...I guess I expected to go to shows here and have the theatres be immensely huge. I actually really enjoyed the small, intimate theatre setting...if for nothing else, than for the fact that even though my friend Natalie and I were in close to the back row, we were still able to see really well. If the show wasn't great enough, sitting a few rows in front of me was Scott Alan, who is a songwriter I just adore. It was a great night. Today, I'm heading off to Brooklyn to go to an IKEA, and then later on we are going to attend August: Osage's a straight play, but from what I've heard about it, I think that it should be an excellent show! I'll update again soon with more adventures from New York! Have a fabulous Friday, bloggers!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Not for the life of me...

I just spent the last four hours helping my great-grandma move into a "retirement" home. Apparently, according to my mother, it's like a nursing home but less of a hospital...? Nursing homes, retirement homes, assisted living centers...I may not know all of the differences, but I do feel like I have some sort of grasp on the similarities. I know that it is a necessary step in some people's lives, but I am going to do everything I can to make sure that it is not the only option in my last years. Much as I may try to be optimistic, when I see someone who is moving into one of these facilities, I can't help but wonder if they are sad about the fact that this will be the last place that they spend their time...reading, watching television, and hoping for visitors.

Have a happy Wednesday night, bloggers...I believe my night will be containing some board games, wish me luck.

Talky Blog from Chicago!

Hey there all! As promised, here is a little talky blog from my apartment in Chicago. Enjoy.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth...

I watched 'An Inconvenient Truth' last night, the documentary made by Al Gore about global warming, and I must say that I really enjoyed it. I know I'm a little late hopping on the "going green" bandwagon, but the movie really made me stop and think about the poison that I'm pouring into the earth's atmosphere every day...If you haven't watched the movie, I highly suggest it. My new goal: putting a recycling box in both my house, and my apartment for next year.

Here's to hoping everyone has a lovely green evening. Talky blog from Chicago to come.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Off to the city

I'm leaving right after I type this post to pick Anna up, play for a wedding, and then head off to the train station. It takes about two and a half hours to get to Chicago, and we leave at 7:00pm...Look out Chicago, here we come.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Talky Blog with Anna

Hey Guys! Anna and I are heading to Chicago this weekend, and we wanted to do a little talky blog for everyone. Enjoy!